Documentary | Russia | Dmitry Zavilgelsky | 2021 | 39 min. | 16+


Popularization of scientific knowledge is acquiring more and more new forms, but popular science ballet is something really innovative. At the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater young choreographer Rinat Abushakhmanov and composer Nikolay Popov create a unique production – one-act ballet “What the Stones are Silent about” based on real research by Vladislav Zhitenev, famous Russian archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate professor of Moscow State University. And this is not just some abstract work, but a popular science ballet indeed since Vladislav became its scientific consultant: the libretto is based on the real archaeological research. The authors of the ballet, together with archaeologists, go to the cave to get the inspiration from the original drawings by ancient artists who worked there 20 thousand years ago. Simultaneously, with the help of our film crew, archaeologists make new discoveries in the cave.

2017,11,17*20:30*Дом Кино (Большой зал)

Dmitry Zavilgelsky

In 1995 he graduated from the Faculty of Soil Science, Moscow State University, then the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (1998, workshop of Leonid Gurevich). As a scriptwriter and director, he has shot over 30 documentaries for state TV channels, the Ministry of Culture, private and federal film studios and as an independent producer.

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