17-27 September
News Films Timing

"Honeyland" at the "Oscar": film-winner of the festival "People and Environment" nominated for the most prestigious film award in the world

The film «Honeyland» continues the triumphal procession at international film festivals.

On January 13, the American Academy announced nominees for the 92nd Academy Award. The documentary of the directors Lyubomir Stefanov and Tamara Kotevska will compete in two categories at once: «Best Documentary», «Best Foreign Film» (the only documentary in this category).


The Sundance and NY Critics Circle 2020 triumphs, the Grand Prix winners of the 18th Baikal International Film Festival named after V. G. Rasputin finally got to the Oscars! By the way, their way to the «golden guy» began precisely with Irkutsk! We wish good luck with all our hearts and let Oscar go to the «Honeyland»!

PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT, Oscars, Honeyland, Sundance16.01.2020, 465 просмотров.

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