Documentary | Russia | Kristina Korolyova | 2020 | 13 min. | 16+


Dutch environmentalist Peter Von der Wolf came to Sakhalin Island to make a research about Red List gray whales and stayed there for more than sixteen years. He fell in love with our land and made friends with the neighbors. Although he is displeased with lots of things at times, he is still here. The Dutchman works and tries to improve the life in the neighborhood on the island year by year. He built a stable in the village together with friends. He keeps the outskirts clean and becomes really upset when the wrong hay is brought in. But Peter doesn’t complain – he works! He doesn’t even think about coming back to his home flower paradise. Why is our land so captivating for the Dutchman and what keeps him in the harsh conditions of the outback at the edge of Russia?

2017,11,17*20:30*Дом Кино (Большой зал)

Kristina Korolyova

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