Documentary | Russia | Yulia Falina | 2019 | 40 min. | 12+


Mark is an artist from France who settled in a communal apartment number 6 in St. Petersburg, overlooking St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral. He began to repair – the apartment, house, basement...

Mark is also obsessed with garbage. Once a week, he goes out on his bike to collect and sort waste in his area.

Mark is interested in the history of Russia. He writes a novel about his Russian neighbors and tries to understand their Russian soul. In the evenings, he reads the finished chapters aloud and admires the view of “his” St. Nicholas Cathedral...

2017,11,17*20:30*Дом Кино (Большой зал)

Yulia Falina

Yulia Falina entered the Faculty of Philosophy at St. Petersburg State University in 1994 and defended her graduation thesis in 2004. She entered the Faculty of Design at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in 2006 and received a diploma of the second higher education in 2009. She studied at the Higher School of Directors and Screenwriters, the workshop of non-fiction cinema (master Nikolai Makarov) in 2015-2017.

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