Whale Talk

Popular science | Germany | Volker Barth | 2021 | 52 min. | 12+


To understand the language of animals is an ancient dream of mankind. Do intelligent animals use real "languages"? To find answers, an international team decides to adapt AI tools for the first time to killer whales. These AI tools can be trained to detect language structures within unknown languages. Following different orca families along the coastlines of Northern Canada, the expedition sets sail to collect sufficient data for their analysis. The challenge is to identify which whale calls reappear often in similar contexts, and provide hints towards their possible meaning. The AI tools finally begin to identify first patterns amidst the ocean noise. A proof that the tools can be trained on animal communication. Yet to understand in detail why a call is made, and who answers what, still will require more training and data. Combining stunning images with up-to-date scientific research, the film provides a first window into a new and exciting niche of animal communication research.

2017,11,17*20:30*Дом Кино (Большой зал)

Volker Barth

Volker collected experience from setting up large scale European research projects in neurosciences (connecting wet sciences to neuro informatics, IT, 3D, and 4D). He has been working with the Institute of Scientific Film of Germany, and later for iAS Interactive Systems GmbH. In 2002 he set up Anthro Media and started to develop and realize cultural and science programs for the international TV market. He runs an inhouse 3D department at Anthro Media Berlin where they visualize complex scientific data and explore the otherwise unseen.

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